Insight from an Egret
Eugene Terekhin Feb 23 · 2 min read

How to be enough with who I am? Here’s the secret of an egret.
I was walking along the creek, feeling empty. I didn’t even know why. There was this unsettling feeling that something was amiss.
I know this feeling so well. It haunts me. It always tells me the same thing over and over: the moment you are in is not good enough. You need to skip it and go to some blessed future.
Engrossed in my thoughts, I saw an egret in the shallow waters, standing on one leg. It pointed its beak down, waiting patiently for its breakfast, looking perfectly content.
It was sure it would get its fish. Life was good.
It looked up and saw me. So serene and unperturbed it was in its immovable stance that I couldn’t help but stop.
“Are you in a hurry?” the bird asked me silently, like a white marble statue.
“Yes, I need to get so much done,” replied my weary soul.
“Because I need more.”
“You already have it all,” said the egret, deftly shooting its beak into the water and pulling out a small fish.
“If you use this moment only to get to the next one, you will never enjoy what you already have.”
“What’s there to enjoy?” I mumbled.
Without a reply, the egret spread its huge wings slowly and gracefully over the murky waters and took to the sky. Swooping over my head, it almost allowed me to pat its curved neck.
I stood in awe, speechless. For a moment, my cluttered mind cleared, and the wind brought a distant echo:
The wind bloweth where it will, and you will hear its voice every once in a while, saying: “Who are you?”
“Are you enjoying being yourself? Or are you using this moment as a means to an end?”
I teared up.
My winged prophet was disappearing in the clouds, carrying a small fish in its beak.
“I also have a few small fish,” thought I, and my heart soared on the wings of a sudden insight.
“I have enough. I can feed the world with who I am.”
Check out my new epic novel The New Exodus: Escaping Putin’s War

What is Rumi saying? I understand his words in a certain way, but I am wondering if I understand them correctly as he intended.
He resonated with me in that when I was able to connect with myself – with the help of the egret – I also connect with God. And visa versa, when I am able to connect with God I also connect with myself.
Grateful for the depth.